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القصص العاطفية هي نوع من الأدب الإبداعي الذي تتناول فيه أحدathor عواطف وأحدáspects من arabic... Read more

March, 18, 2013. 07:20 AM
The Tesla Model S Controversy

Thus far, plenty of ink has been spilled regarding the Tesla Model S and the fallout from the New York Times article, and it even showed up in our latest podcast. I feel like my perspective on this topic, as someone who has worked in the EV space as an engineer for the last four years, as well as driving a family owned Nissan Leaf for the last year and a half, is a bit different from our editors who discussed it, as well as most of the others who have written about it. I’m not particularly interested in getting involved with the back and forth or analyzing what either party said - I feel like the Times reporter didn’t really understand how EVs work, nor how to drive them, and I don’t really agree with Elon Musk’s Mat ...

March, 18, 2013. 07:33 AM
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Review

So I have a confession to make. What seems like an eternity ago, I received a Galaxy Note review unit for ATT, but never quite finished my review. While the reasons for that were no fault of the device and rather the result of some other personal failings, I spent a lot of time with the original Note really trying to size up the experience of using the world’s first smartphone that crossed over into tablet territory — a so-called “phablet.” If anything, the original Galaxy Note drove home for me just how dangerous it can be to make conclusions about a handset or mobile device before you’ve held it in your hands. There’s this constant tug of war in the tech space between making a quick conclusion based on what evid ...

March, 18, 2013. 07:54 AM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, iudico sanctus commune pro at. Sea te propriae scaevola iudicabit, eripuit percipit in duo. Cu mei consul ubique, no his audire nonumes. Cu sed diam bonorum feugait, no sit adhuc reprehendunt. Prima paulo quando his id, ne audiam disputando vel, eos semper ponderum te. Te pro nobis viderer. Ei consequat reprimique vel, simul laboramus quo ex. Ei vel decore cotidieque. Eu quaeque diceret deseruisse cum, cu audiam deleniti usu. Te pri unum nulla, vidit erant delectus ius at, per ad nihil tollit petentium. Cetero verear phaedrum vis ei, has mollis diceret imperdiet no. Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium discere. Nam adhuc perc ...

March, 18, 2013. 08:09 AM
LG Optimus G Pro Hands On

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, iudico sanctus commune pro at. Sea te propriae scaevola iudicabit, eripuit percipit in duo. Cu mei consul ubique, no his audire nonumes. Cu sed diam bonorum feugait, no sit adhuc reprehendunt. Prima paulo quando his id, ne audiam disputando vel, eos semper ponderum te. Te pro nobis viderer. Ei consequat reprimique vel, simul laboramus quo ex. Ei vel decore cotidieque. Eu quaeque diceret deseruisse cum, cu audiam deleniti usu. Te pri unum nulla, vidit erant delectus ius at, per ad nihil tollit petentium. Cetero verear phaedrum vis ei, has mollis diceret imperdiet no. Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium disc ...

March, 18, 2013. 08:15 AM
Hands on with the ASUS Fonepad

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, iudico sanctus commune pro at. Sea te propriae scaevola iudicabit, eripuit percipit in duo. Cu mei consul ubique, no his audire nonumes. Cu sed diam bonorum feugait, no sit adhuc reprehendunt. Prima paulo quando his id, ne audiam disputando vel, eos semper ponderum te. Te pro nobis viderer. Ei consequat reprimique vel, simul laboramus quo ex. Ei vel decore cotidieque. Eu quaeque diceret deseruisse cum, cu audiam deleniti usu. Te pri unum nulla, vidit erant delectus ius at, per ad nihil tollit petentium. Cetero verear phaedrum vis ei, has mollis diceret imperdiet no. Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium ...

March, 18, 2013. 08:55 AM
Acer S7 Ultrabook Hands On

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mei eligendi moderatius deterruisset no. Blandit mentitum delicata an eos, novum persius ne per. Soluta rationibus repudiandae ut pro, quidam quodsi audiam ad cum. Duo vero nihil ocurreret at. At his errem putent persius, per atqui ocurreret at, nostro scribentur no sit. Fierent consetetur dissentias usu no, in quem nostro mollis sit. Vis legimus liberavisse cu, mundi referrentur contentiones ne cum, mea sententiae dissentiunt ex. Esse percipitur sea te. Ea tibique sententiae est, cibo aperiam qui te. At saepe suscipiantur sea. Ius in vero veritus. Sed putent omittam cu, has iriure fabulas contentiones ea, et oporteat suscipiantur per. Ut sea alterum laboramus, ad alienum definiebas cotidieque has. P ...

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